"The Biggest Little Honey Shop in Pennsylvania!" ™
We're Open: Tuesday-Friday 10am-5pm | Saturday 10am-4pm | We're Closed Sunday & Monday
Call 724.356.7713 or Visit 1179 Burgettstown Rd. Hickory, PA 15340
WAIT LIST for Honeybee Colony - Single Deep or Medium-On Farm Pickup Only
WAIT LIST for Honeybee Colony - Single Deep or Medium-On Farm Pickup Only
Beginning Spring 2025. Release dates are dependent upon weather and growing conditions for the bees. As they become ready we will contact you to arrange your pickup appointment. When you pick them up they will be robust and ready to go into your equipment. We do not ship hives.
All hives are filled with healthy frames of bees, brood, and resources (honey and pollen) with a mated, laying, queen on her own brood. Frames of brood, frames of resources of honey/pollen, and additional frames will vary, brood, honey or foundation for expansion of the nest. We are inspected twice yearly and licensed by PA Dept of Agriculture for the sale of nucs and queens. Our bees are a mix of Italian/Carniolan/Open Mated that have good Spring buildup, honey production and overwintering.
Single Deep 9 5/8" -- Healthy honeybee colony in a deep 10 frame box with floor, hive body, 10 frames, lid & reducer. Hive components will be a mix of new and used equipment, but all good solid equipment. $250 each
Single Medium 6 5/8" -- Healthy honeybee colony in a medium 10 frame box with floor, medium hive body/super, 10 frames, lid & reducer. Hive components will be a mix of new and used equipment, but all good solid equipment. $240 each
We do not ship this item.