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Varroa Sticky Board-On Farm Pickup Only

SKU 50183
Sticky Board Only or Sticky Board with Mite Screen
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Varroa Sticky Board-On Farm Pickup Only

Product Details

Peel cover paper from adhesive board.
Place mesh screen over adhesive board
Slide unit through existing entrance on bottom board. If more than 100 mites are caught within 48 hours, a chemical treatment may be needed. Contact your state apiarist for guidelines. Researchers have found that as many as 40% of live young Varroa mites simply fall to the bottom of the hive, then crawl back up looking for a honey bee to begin feeding on. Catch those mites to eliminate them and also be able to answer two important questions

1.) Do I need to treat with chemicals?, or
2.) Did the chemical treatment work?

On Farm Pickup Only-We do not currently ship this item.

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